Body Song: Utilizing the Power of Sound, Music and Vibration for Brain Injury via the Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls

image026Recently I had the privilege to be a guest blogger at, speaking about sound healing and the brain.  They also mentioned my album, Dawn Mountain in another posting about Music as a Healing Tool After Brain Injury.

I wanted to share my blog post in its entirety as well, as it is based on a lot of the foundation of my work with Sound Healing.

“I call utilizing sound in a session a “sonic massage.” The sound literally goes through the entire body.  You can literally feel the sound going all the way through.  That is the vibration.  With a regular massage, we bump up against muscles and other tissues.  The sound and vibration are carried by something called the essentic wave.  It is similar to how massage works.  This “wave” works through touch and sound, which is why when we receive a Swedish massage our brain states slow.  It is the same with a “sonic” massage.”

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Mik’ael reviewed by Michael Diamond

Mik’ael reviewed by Michael Diamond

I am so thrilled to have my latest album, Mik’ael, reviewed by New Age reviewer Michael Diamond!

Here’s part of what he had to say:

“MIK’AEL is at once worldly and otherworldly as it blends earthy instruments with heavenly vocals to create a listening experience that is both meditative and moving. This is music that was created with great intention and purpose…With MIK’AEL, Leigh Ann Phillips has created a transportive sonic journey that is sure to stir the imagination and inspire the Spirit.”

You can read the entire review here:

Much Love,

Leigh Ann