Leigh Ann Phillips is a Sound Healer, Musician, Educator, and Lecturer, living in Hawaii. She travels both domestically and internationally, bringing her integrated Sound Healing sessions and workshops to both people and the Earth herself. A Certified Massage Therapist and Healing Artist, Leigh Ann is a graduate of Mitchell Gibson’s 2-year intensive Living Soul course which focuses on sound, healing, and mind-body connectivity. In 2007, Leigh Ann undertook a year-long quest around the world to learn about sound and vibrational healing approaches of European, Latin American, and North American indigenous peoples. She owns and operates The Dragon House Sound Temple in Crestone, CO, and is the executive director for The Shimmering Sounds Foundation, a non profit organization which strives to advance the practice of music, sound, and vibration as complementary and therapeutic healing modalities.
Leigh Ann has co-produced and recorded four CDs of original music, ranging from folk, jazz, instrumental, and ambient styles. Her latest release, Dawn Mountain, places the Crystal Singing Bowls as the protagonist in a musical play with other instruments – “to honor nature, the land, and the spirit of nature which resides in us all.”
Leigh Ann Phillips’ sound healing work for those with cancer is based upon the Fabian Mamon’s scientific research of dissonance and harmonic intervals and their effect on cancer cells. According to Mamon, when musical scales are played progressively, on or near the body, the harmonic resonance impedes the ability of cancer cells to hold their frequency, and begin to break apart.
As well, DNA has been found to be extremely sensitive to musical frequencies. When humans get sick, they have in effect “gone out of tune”, just as musical instruments do. Sound Healing as a complimentary therapy “retunes” the body to a more aligned harmonic vibration and rhythm by allowing the body and brain to absorb these resonant sounds. This “vibrational massage” amplifies and spreads healing harmonic patterns throughout the body and brain. Based on the twin principles of harmonic resonance and quantum entrainment, the body literally matches up with these healing and harmonic tones, thus re-establishing a naturally healthy vibration on a cellular level.
The music of Leigh Ann Phillips includes harmonic overtones and the sounds of the quartz crystal singing bowls – music that not only sounds beautiful to the ears, but can also be beneficial to the body, mind, and spirit.